What Does it Mean to Be an Independent in 2020?

Jackie Salit responds to questions regarding what it means to be independent in 2020, on the 2020 presidential contest, on the political reform issues that animate independents and on the current character of the movement to win respect, recognition and reform for independents.

Post-Midterm Election Conference Call

Jackie Salit responds to questions and provides post-election analysis of what happened, including an independent perspective on the significance of the independent vote for House candidates, and strategies for exerting our power in the runup to 2020.

Great Expectations: What Do the Parties Want; What Do Independents Need?

Jackie Salit interviews Randy Miller (Utah) and Tiani Coleman (New Hampshire), coordinators of the “9 Questions for the 44%” campaign – the survey of independent voters which asked independent voters to weigh in about why they’re independent. She also responds to a range of questions sent in regarding the potential of a united independent coalition emerging, the best way to make our voices heard and the role of independent candidates.

Political Parties: Are They Absolute or Obsolete?

Jackie Salit responds to questions sent in by activists from around the country. She says, “We need to ask ourselves ‘are the political parties usable as tools for expression of the popular will or the consent of the governed? Are they viable tools for governance and if they’re not, what’s the alternative?”