Post-Election; Post-Inauguration: Now Let’s Bring Independents Together

Jackie Salit responded to questions sent in by independents from around the country which ranged from questions about Salit’s thoughts on Donald Trump’s election to tactics for organizing, about political reform campaigns, about the role of candidates in our movement, and about how independents describe and talk about who we are.

Post Election Call: What Just Happened? Is America Going Independent?

What happened on election day? Where do we go from here? Salit responds to questions in a special post-presidential election call attended by 400 independents from around the country.
” The American people are looking for change. They wanted to change everything and they keep finding that they can’t. ….they decided to change how they voted…

Q&A Call with Jackie Salit

210 independents from 42 states participated in a call where Salit responded to over 100 questions sent in by independents. Questions about how to best use our votes during the election; the possibility of an independent candidate emerging; how to build coalitions; the issue of party vs. movement and much more.

Rules of the Game

Salit highlighted the relationship between how the political process works, who allowed to participate in it, what the terms of the process are and critical issues facing the country.  

The national conversation itself has to become a conversation about the process, and that is the direction I think things are heading in, and that’s the hinge moment we’re at.

The Parties vs. the People: Where’s the Power in Presidential Politics? – Special Q&A

“I think unification and alliances and partnerships that cross ideological lines, that cross partisan lines, that cross geographic, historical and cross cultural lines, is not just on the agenda.  It is happening.  …  It is happening under the umbrella of diverse Americans coming together with the leadership of independents to change the structure, the rules of the game, and the culture of the way we do politics.”  

Presidential Politics: Where Are Independents in the Mix?

Jackie Salit addressed the ensuing presidential race and its current implications:  

 ” I think it’s a fascinating and conspicuous situation that these big anti-establishment, pro-establishment battles are taking place at such a fever pitch inside the parties, while at the same time the numbers of independents in the country are growing steadily.”

Post-Conference Progress Report

Salit: In spite of our numbers, independents are still pushed to the margins, a serious issue for the country.  Cracks in democracy are becoming more serious because so many people are saying there has to be a better way.  We are a movement in search of a better way.