A Post-Election Conversation with Jackie Salit: What’s Next for Independents

Salit’s post-election analysis after Obama’s second presidential election, including the role independents played. How the Democrats abandoned the anti-partisan coalition that propelled Obama in 2008.  Divided independent vote was an expression of how deeply disturbed independents are by partisanship.  Many people came away saying, we really have to do something about way our political process operated.

Bringing Culture Change to America

Following presidential debates and fresh off first leg of a book tour on Independents Rising, Salit gives an overview of her travels and how the movement is developing from the bottom up, including how nonpartisan elections are faring in California.  

The Parties vs. the People

Jackie Salit interviews former Congressman Mickey Edwards, author of The Parties vs. the People How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans, an insider account about political corruption and ways to fix Congress.