A fun, feisty, and philosophical dialogue among two leading independents as they reviewed the week's top political news.

ARCHIVES: 2006 ‐ 2010

For years, Fred Newman and Jacqueline Salit ‐‐ two leading activists and intellectuals within the independent political movement ‐‐ watched the political talk shows and discussed them over coffee. In early 2005, they began transcribing these conversations and distributing them to their friends and followers. Over the years, their "talk about the talk" developed into a popular weekly missive distributed via e‐mail to tens of thousands of readers worldwide. Making ﴾Non﴿ Sense of an Irrational World is a compilation of some of their most popular and thought provoking discussions from the last five years.

Broder’s Caution.

(Feb. 10, 2008) I was struck by David Broder's remark when Tim Russert said to him 'What do you see, what's the scenario?' in their discussion about how the super delegates are going to decide things on the Democratic side.

Crossing Over.

(Feb. 3, 2008) The consensus across the board about the last Democratic debate was that Hillary was at her most vulnerable and Obama was at his strongest in the discussion about the Iraq war.

No Holding Back.

(Jan 27, 2008) The win on Saturday night for Barack Obama in South Carolina was spectacular. A 2-1 margin over Clinton. Eighty percent of the black vote. Forty-two percent of independents. Twenty-five percent of the white vote.

Obama, McCain and the Paradigm Shift.

There are two questions going into the New Hampshire primary. Will Obama do what he did in Iowa, meaning he not only wins it, but in the process he destroys the myth of invincibility surrounding Clinton?

Bill Clinton Off the Leash.

(Jan 20, 2008) On "Meet the Press" today Peggy Noonan says: 'It's close and it's undecided, but there is an important difference between the process that's going on in the Republican Party and the process that's going on in the Democratic Party.'

McCain’s No Paradox.

Here were a couple of things that interested me. The main refrain is about Obama and Clinton and "change" vs. "experience."

Ron Paul and America’s Sea Change.

(Dec. 23, 2007) As the pollsters and analysts on Meet the Press put it, we're on the eve of the voting and there's no clear front runner on either side.

Obama’s Strategy Pays Off.

(Dec. 17, 2007) The Chris Matthews crew discussed --what else -- Iowa. They talked about how Hillary appears to be losing momentum while Obama is surging. What's happened?

Rudy the New Yorker

(Dec. 11, 2007) Rudy Giuliani did an hour on "Meet the Press" with Tim Russert. Russert's strategy for the Giuliani appearance was to try to pursue concerns about his judgment and his character.