A fun, feisty, and philosophical dialogue among two leading independents as they reviewed the week's top political news.

ARCHIVES: 2006 ‐ 2010

For years, Fred Newman and Jacqueline Salit ‐‐ two leading activists and intellectuals within the independent political movement ‐‐ watched the political talk shows and discussed them over coffee. In early 2005, they began transcribing these conversations and distributing them to their friends and followers. Over the years, their "talk about the talk" developed into a popular weekly missive distributed via e‐mail to tens of thousands of readers worldwide. Making ﴾Non﴿ Sense of an Irrational World is a compilation of some of their most popular and thought provoking discussions from the last five years.

Gravel, Paul, Kucinich: Independent Voices.

(July 8, 2007) We watched “This Week with George Stephanopoulos," a departure from our usual line up. He did a feature segment on two insurgent candidates in the Republican and Democratic presidential primaries: Ron Paul, the sitting Congressman from Texas, on the Republican side and Mike Gravel, former U.S. Senator from Alaska, on the Democratic side.

Speed Limits.

(July 1, 2007) There was discussion of the state of the Republican Party -- and the word is that it -- not good. Senator Richard Lugar withdrew his support for the president's policy in Iraq and was joined quickly by Senator John Warner.

Bloomberg, The Icebreaker

(June 24, 2007) There's a lot of Bloomberg fever out there...What do you think about the dialogue about nonpartisan politics, about Bloomberg becoming an independent and being a spokesperson for that kind of approach in politics and in government?

What’s Plan B ?

(June 17, 2007) Washington is starting to prepare for the return from Iraq of General Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker (who was on “Meet the Press") in September.

Was He Used?

"The Chris Matthews Show" had a segment about the immigration vote in Congress and the politics surrounding it. This issue is cast as very polarizing, and in many ways it is.

Back to the Future.

Michael Murphy, a Republican strategist on the “Meet the Press" panel gave his capsule summary of the presidential election: “If you win the future, you win the election."

The Tier Machine.

We watched New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on “Meet the Press." Richardson is one of a number of second tier presidential candidates running in the Democratic primary.

Apocalypse Now?

Let's start with the Chris Matthews Show discussion about Mike Bloomberg and Chuck Hagel running as independents for the presidency and vice presidency.

The Consequences.

Let's talk about John McCain who was on "Meet the Press." His position on the war in Iraq is that we've got to focus on what he calls "the consequences of failure."