A fun, feisty, and philosophical dialogue among two leading independents as they reviewed the week's top political news.

ARCHIVES: 2006 ‐ 2010

For years, Fred Newman and Jacqueline Salit ‐‐ two leading activists and intellectuals within the independent political movement ‐‐ watched the political talk shows and discussed them over coffee. In early 2005, they began transcribing these conversations and distributing them to their friends and followers. Over the years, their "talk about the talk" developed into a popular weekly missive distributed via e‐mail to tens of thousands of readers worldwide. Making ﴾Non﴿ Sense of an Irrational World is a compilation of some of their most popular and thought provoking discussions from the last five years.

Socialism! Help Me!

(September 28, 2008) I want to start with Bill Clinton, interviewed by Tom Brokaw, in the midst of Clinton doing his Global Initiative Project. Brokaw asks him, is the economic crisis and the response to it a political game changer? And Clinton says, 'Yes, it could be.' How so?

The (Real) Bloomberg Story.

(September 21, 2008) We saw three sets of issues under discussion simultaneously this morning. What happened to the financial markets and what should be done next? Who or what is to blame for the collapse? And, how do the events of the last ten days impact on the presidential race?

The Red/Blue Line.

(August 31, 2008) Some of the Sunday talk is that through his vice presidential selection, John McCain became a maverick again because Sarah Palin's an unconventional choice, etc. But here's something that looks like a contradiction to me.

It Won’t Be Hillary.

(August 24, 2008) Like everyone else, we should spend a couple of minutes talking about the Joe Biden selection.

Tough Guys?

(August 17, 2008) In the discussions about the presidential campaign, there were several references to being tough.

Georgia on Their Mind(less).

(August 10, 2008) George Will had some interesting things to say today. There was his commentary about the John Edwards affair. He tried to take the discussion in a slightly different direction ...

A Commentary on a Commentary on Commentary on a …..

(August 3, 2008) A description of the current dynamic in the presidential race put forth by a number of panelists in the Stephanopoulos discussion, most notably David Gergen and Jake Tapper is this: The Republican Party, Bush, the Bush policies are entirely discredited in the minds of the American people.

The Surge Trap.

(July 27, 2008) Barack Obama was on Meet the Press from London, completing his week-long tour of Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, and points in the Middle East. The first "flashpoint" of interest was when Obama got into a debate with Brokaw about the improved situation on the ground in Iraq.

Arnold and Donna.

(July 16, 2008) There were two people on the talk shows this morning that I liked. One was Arnold Schwarzenegger, the other was Donna Brazile. I'm a fan of hers.