From 2022 to 2024 — Independents Look Ahead!

Independent Voting launched the survey “From 2022 to 2024: Independents Look Ahead” for independents to speak out on key issues confronting our nation, expand the conversation about why you and so many others are independent, and to share your thoughts as we head towards the next presidential election in 2024.

Here are the results of the survey


2020 Survey: Independents Speak Out

Now that the Coronavirus pandemic is in full play, we Americans are feeling the impact of our broken, partisan political system in new ways. We are eager to launch our new nationwide survey geared specifically for independent voters, called Confronting a New Reality: Independents Speak Out.

We want to thank you in advance for taking the survey and ask you to share the survey with your friends and family. We will use your responses to focus the discussion on the issues of concern to independents and what we need to develop our democracy.

Independent-to-Independent Survey

Update:  Survey Results

We are excited to launch a nationwide survey initiative geared specifically for independent voters, called 9 Questions for the 44%. We want to thank you in advance for taking the survey and ask you to share the survey with your friends and family. This is an historic effort. We have a goal to reach at least 5,000 independent voters by Labor Day, reaching every state, with at least 2500 of those being conducted live in the field.


Congressman John Delaney [D-MD] introduced the “Open our Democracy Act” in June of 2015. Now re-introduced as HR 2981, this bill does three things: it calls for top two non-partisan open primaries for all US House and US Senate seats; requires states to establish independent commissions for congressional redistricting and, finally, makes Election Day a federal holiday. In essence, HR. 2981 is a corruption-busting package of reforms that serve as first steps to cleaning up the partisanship that is polluting our democracy. Sign the letter today.

Presidential Commission on Election Administration

In April of 2013, President Obama appointed by Executive Order a Presidential Commission on Election Administration (“PCEA”).  Independents can take some credit for the fact that he did.  It had been nearly 20 years, since a president used the authority of an executive order to address the issue of election reform. The 10-member body was tasked with presenting recommendations to the president about how to “improve the experience of all voters.” With independent voters comprising over 40% of electorate and facing a myriad of barriers to full participation, Independent Voting immediately sought to educate the Commissioners and impact on their findings.

Voting Rights are Primary

During the primary phase of the mid-term elections in 2012, Independent Voting mobilized its network of independent voter groups around the country to make visible the plight of independents who, in many states, are barred from voting in primaries and to protest their second-class status as voters.