
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

Obama and Independents: The Macro, the Micro and the Forest
November 12, 2012

The Obama campaign team did everything right. That’s the consensus among journalists, consultants, and the political class. I’ve watched some of them literally swoon over maps of the 50 states showing how the President’s campaign surgically...

Unconventional Times
September 17, 2012

The parade of luminaries is over, confetti and balloons swept away, the parties and the presidential candidates having defined themselves for the American people. Both parties told us that America is at a crossroads, a hinge moment for the...

Does Mitt Romney Understand Independent Voters?
September 14, 2012

There's an unanalyzed section of Mitt Romney's remarks at the Florida fundraiser last May -- the ones that were captured on video and have been the subject of a campaign and media mega-frenzy.

Independents Rising: Third Party Politics In America
August 26, 2012

Michael Lewis is an imposing man. Six-foot-six, 340 pounds, barrel-chested, he looks like someone who could crush an opponent without even a sideways glance. Lewis played semipro football in his younger days. Today he is married, with two...