
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

California’s Top Two Primary System Opens the Door
February 21, 2010

Last week the California Supreme Court refused to issue an injunction blocking the implementation of Proposition 14 in several upcoming special elections. The measure, which won 54% of the vote in a referendum last...

Independents See Through Washington’s Magic Show
February 20, 2010

The Washington political game is like a magic show. It’s filled with smoke and mirrors which create the perception that one thing is happening, when something else altogether is going on.

And Now, a Word From Independents
January 31, 2010

The Republican and Democratic Parties have finally found something to agree on. Americans are angry. And what do the parties propose to do about it? The Republicans say they know the answer. Just put them in power.

Swing to the Left: New Progressives
January 17, 2010

When we finally get far enough down the road on health care reform, it will become clear that a driving force in the intensity of the fight was a heart attack. Not the medical kind - the political kind.