
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

The Real Al Sharpton
March 10, 2003

All the latest articles about Al Sharpton's Presidential campaign miss the point. "Nightmarish complications" cries the liberal American Prospect. "The Sharpton nightmare" chuckles conservative columnist Bob Novak. "This strategy of appeasement...is devastating for the party as a whole," admonishes The New Republic, referring to the legitimacy the white Democratic Presidential contenders are currently conferring on Sharpton. In other words, the shared obsession is about what he might do to the Democratic Party.

Pols Ignore Independents at Their Peril
January 6, 2003

It is statistically obvious that independent voters decided the results of the November elections. But who is the independent voter? And how does this plurality fit into the American political scene?

Strom and Trent Together: We Shall Not be Moved
December 19, 2002

Last week was marked by two interesting events in Black politics. The first was the public spat among Black Democrats over Reverend Al Sharpton's proposed presidential run.

Fighting Racism is an Old Paradigm
October 29, 2002

Usually, when we -- as African Americans -- talk about the need for leadership -- we are talking about leadership in the fight against racism. We deal with racial profiling -- at the street level and the corporate level; we mount defenses of affirmative action