
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

Independents Exercise Increasing Control Over Democratic, Republican Candidates – U.S. News & World Report
May 25, 2021

"We are at something of an inflection point," says Independent Voting President Jacqueline Salit in an article published today by U.S. News and World Report. But while the power of independents in America’s two-party system is growing, independents believe the system needs to change. Says Open Primaries President John Opdycke, “People who are going independent are not looking for a third party. They're looking for an end to party politics."

Open primaries long overdue in New York – Times Union
January 21, 2021

In an op-ed published by the Times Union, Open Primaries’ John Opdycke and Jeremy Gruber detail how New York State’s antiquated, exclusionary voter laws have led to some of the lowest voter turnout in the country and how open primaries would open the doors to greater participation.

More excessive partisanship will make wound from Capitol siege even worse – The Fulcrum
January 14, 2021

On Thursday, January 14th, The Fulcrum published a commentary by Independent Voting President Jacqueline Salit on the events that took place at the capitol building on January 6th.

Political Reform and the 2020 Election – FixUS
December 8, 2020

On November 19th, FixUS hosted a virtual public event featuring leaders and experts on political reform (including Independent Voting President Jacqueline Salit) discussing what specific reforms were on the ballot, how it went, lessons learned, and implications going forward.