
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

Civics 101 with Jackie Salit, Tiani Coleman and Samara Klar
March 12, 2020

In a recent episode of the Civics 101 podcast, host Hannah McCarthy is joined by Independent Voting President Jackie Salit, New Hampshire Independent Voters President Tiani Coleman, and Samara Klar of the University of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy for a conversation about the growth and power of independent voters.

What do nonpartisan voters in Nevada want? Moderation (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
February 19, 2020

Rory Appleton from the Las Vegas Review-Journal contacted Jackie Salit for help in identifying independent voters to be on a panel of nonpartisan Nevada voters discussing local and statewide issues and the presidential election. Those on Appleton's panel (several of whom are members of our network) all expressed different ideologies, experiences and priorities, but shared one thing in common - the desire to break away from the two-party system.

How impeachment could impact independent voters in 2020 (Fox News)
February 19, 2020

Watch a panel of independent voters (including Independent Voting Board Member Dr. Jessie Fields, Sue Davies of New Jersey Independent Voters, and Daniel Battista of Baruch College, Civics Unplugged) express their dissatisfaction with the hyper-partisan impeachment process on a segment from Fox News.

Are you an unaffiliated voter? Here’s how political consultants are targeting you (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
February 19, 2020

In a recent article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Jackie Salit, one of several political experts interviewed, speaks with journalist Rory Appleton on how partisan campaigns try to appeal to the growing number of independents across the country but fail to recognize a greater shift away from party loyalty.