
It is not simply a matter of big money in politics. There is big money in all of American life. The more pervasive problem is that we now have self-interested political institutions — the parties — that are considered “too big to fail.” Are we supposed to protect them and their refusal to share power with the people at all costs?

Young Independent Voters Focus on Issues, Not Party – Voice of America
August 4, 2020

There is a shift away from the two-party system growing among American voters – a shift that is especially tangible among young voters. Feeling that no party completely represents them, they reject the status quo of identifying with political ideologies and instead focus on the issues that are important to them. As a result, young voters are deciding not to join a political party, and instead declare themselves independents.

The Forty Million Missing: America’s Independent Voters and Voices – The Purple Principle
July 13, 2020

The Purple Principle, a non-partisan podcast for independent-minded Americans exploring the perils of partisanship in U.S. politics, society and daily life, recently featured four leaders in the independent voting movement in the episode “The Forty Million Missing: America’s Independent Voters and Voices.”

How Can We Move Forward in Anger and Determination? An Independents’ Dialogue on Current Events, Protest and Political Power
July 6, 2020

On Wednesday, June 3, Independent Voting President Jackie Salit hosted a Zoom event titled "How Can We Move Forward in Anger and Determination? An Independents’ Dialogue on Current Events, Protest and Political Power." The event took place in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the public outcry for justice that resulted. Salit was joined by three distinguished guests: Michael Hardy, Executive Director and General Counsel of the National Action Network and Rev. Al Sharpton; David Cherry, leader of the All Stars Project in Chicago and President of the Leaders Network; and Dr. Jessie Fields, physician, front-line activist for democracy reform and Independent Voting board member. 

Confronting a New Reality: Independents Speak Out
April 13, 2020

In the midst of partisan posturing exacerbated by the Coronavirus pandemic, Independent Voting has released a new survey for independents titled Confronting a New Reality: Independents Speak Out. Organized by Tiani Coleman (New Hampshire Independent Voters) and Randy Miller (Utah League of Independent Voters), the survey aims to provide a way for independents to raise their voice safely, despite the circumstances we currently face as a nation.